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Quality Policy (ISO 9001)

The quality model of FOIMA, S.A. pursues customer satisfaction, as this is its greatest asset and is, ultimately, what allows us to remain in the market in order to develop and grow in it.

However, customer satisfaction is not a static concept, but evolves in the same way as the market does. Nowadays, the customer can find a quality and competitive product, but more and more, he needs a quick response to any incident or need.

Therefore, the obligation of FOIMA, S.A. is to continue offering quality products and, in addition, to offer a personalised and rapid service that responds to the needs of our customers. Both factors will constitute the means through which we will try to achieve Customer Satisfaction.

Therefore, the Quality System of FOIMA, S.A. shall, in the first place, guarantee the conformity of our equipment. This will require the control and inspection of all FOIMA equipment and the elements that make it possible to manufacture them, as well as compliance with the regulatory acts that apply to us. The first step is good management of FOIMA’s suppliers, in order to guarantee the quality of all the raw materials that supply us. Likewise, the correct organisation of all our manufacturing processes will improve the quality of the final product.

Secondly, the Quality model of FOIMA,S.A. has to pursue the maximum speed and efficiency in the response to any query or need raised by the customer, in all matters relating to our products and services. In order to achieve this, it will be necessary to have as much information as possible about the product and the process by which it has been manufactured. Knowing this information, we will be able to offer a good after-sales service for the solution of incidents and the replacement of spare parts.

The Quality System of FOIMA,S.A. is based on the commitment of this management to ensure that each of the areas of the company works towards the satisfaction of customer requirements and the continuous improvement of the system.

The quality model of FOIMA, S.A., from October 2022     Certification awared to FOIMA, S. A., by Standard ISO 9001:2015     Zertificat für FOIMA, S. A., nach ISO-Norma 9001:2015